QItemSelectionRange Class Reference

The QItemSelectionRange class manages information about a range of selected items in a model. More...

 #include <QItemSelectionRange>

Public Functions

QItemSelectionRange ()
QItemSelectionRange ( const QItemSelectionRange & other )
QItemSelectionRange ( const QModelIndex & topLeft, const QModelIndex & bottomRight )
QItemSelectionRange ( const QModelIndex & index )
int bottom () const
QModelIndex bottomRight () const
bool contains ( const QModelIndex & index ) const
bool contains ( int row, int column, const QModelIndex & parentIndex ) const
int height () const
QModelIndexList indexes () const
QItemSelectionRange intersected ( const QItemSelectionRange & other ) const
bool intersects ( const QItemSelectionRange & other ) const
bool isEmpty () const
bool isValid () const
int left () const
const QAbstractItemModel * model () const
QModelIndex parent () const
int right () const
int top () const
QModelIndex topLeft () const
int width () const
bool operator!= ( const QItemSelectionRange & other ) const
bool operator== ( const QItemSelectionRange & other ) const

Detailed Description

The QItemSelectionRange class manages information about a range of selected items in a model.

A QItemSelectionRange contains information about a range of selected items in a model. A range of items is a contiguous array of model items, extending to cover a number of adjacent rows and columns with a common parent item; this can be visualized as a two-dimensional block of cells in a table. A selection range has a top(), left() a bottom(), right() and a parent().

The QItemSelectionRange class is one of the Model/View Classes and is part of Qt's model/view framework.

The model items contained in the selection range can be obtained using the indexes() function. Use QItemSelectionModel::selectedIndexes() to get a list of all selected items for a view.

You can determine whether a given model item lies within a particular range by using the contains() function. Ranges can also be compared using the overloaded operators for equality and inequality, and the intersects() function allows you to determine whether two ranges overlap.

See also Model/View Programming, QAbstractItemModel, QItemSelection, and QItemSelectionModel.

Member Function Documentation

QItemSelectionRange::QItemSelectionRange ()

Constructs an empty selection range.

QItemSelectionRange::QItemSelectionRange ( const QItemSelectionRange & other )

Copy constructor. Constructs a new selection range with the same contents as the other range given.

QItemSelectionRange::QItemSelectionRange ( const QModelIndex & topLeft, const QModelIndex & bottomRight )

Constructs a new selection range containing only the index specified by the topLeft and the index bottomRight.

QItemSelectionRange::QItemSelectionRange ( const QModelIndex & index )

Constructs a new selection range containing only the model item specified by the model index index.

int QItemSelectionRange::bottom () const

Returns the row index corresponding to the lowermost selected row in the selection range.

QModelIndex QItemSelectionRange::bottomRight () const

Returns the index for the item located at the bottom-right corner of the selection range.

See also bottom(), right(), and topLeft().

bool QItemSelectionRange::contains ( const QModelIndex & index ) const

Returns true if the model item specified by the index lies within the range of selected items; otherwise returns false.

bool QItemSelectionRange::contains ( int row, int column, const QModelIndex & parentIndex ) const

This is an overloaded function.

Returns true if the model item specified by (row, column) and with parentIndex as the parent item lies within the range of selected items; otherwise returns false.

int QItemSelectionRange::height () const

Returns the number of selected rows in the selection range.

QModelIndexList QItemSelectionRange::indexes () const

Returns the list of model index items stored in the selection.

QItemSelectionRange QItemSelectionRange::intersected ( const QItemSelectionRange & other ) const

Returns a new selection range containing only the items that are found in both the selection range and the other selection range.

This function was introduced in Qt 4.2.

bool QItemSelectionRange::intersects ( const QItemSelectionRange & other ) const

Returns true if this selection range intersects (overlaps with) the other range given; otherwise returns false.

bool QItemSelectionRange::isEmpty () const

Returns true if the selection range contains no selectable item

This function was introduced in Qt 4.7.

bool QItemSelectionRange::isValid () const

Returns true if the selection range is valid; otherwise returns false.

int QItemSelectionRange::left () const

Returns the column index corresponding to the leftmost selected column in the selection range.

const QAbstractItemModel * QItemSelectionRange::model () const

Returns the model that the items in the selection range belong to.

QModelIndex QItemSelectionRange::parent () const

Returns the parent model item index of the items in the selection range.

int QItemSelectionRange::right () const

Returns the column index corresponding to the rightmost selected column in the selection range.

int QItemSelectionRange::top () const

Returns the row index corresponding to the uppermost selected row in the selection range.

QModelIndex QItemSelectionRange::topLeft () const

Returns the index for the item located at the top-left corner of the selection range.

See also top(), left(), and bottomRight().

int QItemSelectionRange::width () const

Returns the number of selected columns in the selection range.

bool QItemSelectionRange::operator!= ( const QItemSelectionRange & other ) const

Returns true if the selection range differs from the other range given; otherwise returns false.

bool QItemSelectionRange::operator== ( const QItemSelectionRange & other ) const

Returns true if the selection range is exactly the same as the other range given; otherwise returns false.