MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan Developer Documentation Develop for the Nokia N9

Example apps

Sample applications for developers

The following list presents a selection of sample applications to serve as examples and starting points for developers.

Name Content Source code Installable binary
Qt Quick components gallery Use of Qt Quick components in pure QML gitorious Available via developer mode in device.
Qt Quick components extras gallery Additional Qt Quick components in pure QML gitorius Available via developer mode in device.
API Showcase Qt Mobility harmattan-dev installable binary
SmashMiner OpenGL, sensors, GStreamer, ..., C++ installable binary
Synthesizer PulseAudio, QML & C++ installable binary
OpenGL ES Samples Pure OpenGL ES, C++ installable binary
Miniature content gitorious Available in Ovi Store.

In addition to this curated shortlist, there are plenty of other sample applications available elsewhere:

If you have developed an open source application for Harmattan that you feel would complement the existing list, please let us know.