Example apps
Sample applications for developers
The following list presents a selection of sample applications to serve as examples and starting points for developers.
Name | Content | Source code | Installable binary |
Qt Quick components gallery | Use of Qt Quick components in pure QML | gitorious | Available via developer mode in device. |
Qt Quick components extras gallery | Additional Qt Quick components in pure QML | gitorius | Available via developer mode in device. |
API Showcase | Qt Mobility | harmattan-dev | installable binary |
SmashMiner | OpenGL, sensors, GStreamer, ..., C++ | developer.nokia.com | installable binary |
Synthesizer | PulseAudio, QML & C++ | developer.nokia.com developer.nokia.com | installable binary |
OpenGL ES Samples | Pure OpenGL ES, C++ | developer.nokia.com | installable binary |
Miniature | content | gitorious | Available in Ovi Store. |
In addition to this curated shortlist, there are plenty of other sample applications available elsewhere:
- The Best practices section of the developer library.
- The MeeGo section of developer.nokia.com's projects directory.
- The code examples in developer.nokia.com's wiki.
If you have developed an open source application for Harmattan that you feel would complement the existing list, please let us know.