MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan Developer Documentation Develop for the Nokia N9

Best practices for application development

This section provides instructions and best practices for developing MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan applications. The following table presents the content in this section.

Best practices for developing Harmattan applications
Topic Description
Optimising power consumption Describes the most common causes for excessive power consumption of an application and gives practical instructions for developing applications for Harmattan devices.
Performance management Describes how you can ensure and enhance the performance of your mobile application.
Inter-process communication guidelines Describes guidelines for inter-process communications (IPC) from performance characteristics point of view.
QML performance tips and tricks Provides best practices for QML development.
Using Shaders Describes how to use QML shader elements and OpenGL for advanced graphics processing.
Using GStreamer Describes how to use the GStreamer multimedia framework, an alternative to Qt Mobility -based multimedia functions.
Storing and managing application settings Describes how to create an applet for the user-editable settings of your application and make the page visible in the Control Panel.
Imagination Technologies graphics tools and samples Describes the tools and samples provided by Imagination Technologies for graphics development on the Harmattan platform.
Integrating account management to applications Describes the accounts framework in Harmattan and shows how to use it in your applications
Font sizes in different Harmattan releases Illustrates the differences in font size behaviour between different Harmattan releases, and demonstrates a few tips on how to avoid potential issues.
Optimising application startup Explains how you can make your application start up faster with dedicated boosters, add a splash screen to your application, and ensure that only one instance of your application process is started on the Harmattan device.

Where to go next?

When you are familiar with the contents in this section, read the following: