MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan Developer Documentation Develop for the Nokia N9

QML SipAttributes Element

The SipAttributes item is used to control software input panel attributes. More...

This element was introduced in qt-components 4.7.


Detailed Description

The SipAttributes item is used to control software input panel attributes. There are currently 4 attributes and they are used to control the action key (return key) in a following manner:

 SipAttributes {
     id: sipAttributes
     actionKeyLabel: "custom"
     actionKeyIcon: "/path/to/icon.svg"
     actionKeyHighlighted: true
     actionKeyEnabled: true
 TextField {
     platformSipAttributes: sipAttributes

Property Documentation

actionKeyEnabled : bool

If true, the action key to be enabled.

actionKeyHighlighted : bool

If true, the action key to be highlighted.

actionKeyIcon : QString

Set to replace the action key label with an icon from given file path.

actionKeyLabel : QString

Set to override the action key label.