MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan Developer Documentation Develop for the Nokia N9

QML PageStackWindowStyle Element

PageStackWindowStyle properties and default values explained More...

Inherits Style

This element was introduced in qt-components 4.7.


Detailed Description

Custom platformStyle example

 PageStackWindow {
     platformStyle: PageStackWindowStyle {
         landscapeBackground: "backgroundImageLandscape.png"
         portraitBackground: "backgroundImagePortrait.png"
         backgroundFillMode: Image.Tile

Property Documentation

background : string

Property default value is "image://theme/meegotouch-applicationpage-background"+__invertedString

Background image. This is used for landscape and portrait if landscape and portrait values are default.

backgroundFillMode : int

Property default value is Image.Stretch.

Background fill mode.

  • Image.Stretch - the image is scaled to fit.
  • Image.PreserveAspectFit - the image is scaled uniformly to fit without cropping.
  • Image.PreserveAspectCrop - the image is scaled uniformly to fill, cropping if necessary.
  • Image.Tile - the image is duplicated horizontally and vertically.
  • Image.TileVertically - the image is stretched horizontally and tiled vertically.
  • Image.TileHorizontally - the image is stretched vertically and tiled horizontally.

cornersVisible : bool

Property default value is true.

Corners visibility. If this is set false then corners are not shown on top of the content area.

landscapeBackground : string

Property default value is PageStackWindowStyle::background.

Landscape background image.

portraitBackground : string

Property default value is PageStackWindowStyle::background.

Portrait background image.