MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan Developer Documentation Develop for the Nokia N9

QML TumblerColumn Element

TumblerColumn is a Column used with Tumbler More...

Inherits Item

This element was introduced in qt-components 4.7.


Detailed Description

TumblerColumn represents a column in Tumbler. It is used with a Tumbler.

 TumblerColumn {
     id: listEnglish
     items: ListModel {
         ListElement { value: "one" }
         ListElement { value: "two" }
         ListElement { value: "three" }
     label: "ENGLISH"
     selectedIndex: 2

 TumblerColumn {
     id: listJapanese
     items: ListModel {
         ListElement { value: "ichi" }
         ListElement { value: "ni" }
         ListElement { value: "san" }
     label: "JAPANESE"
     selectedIndex: 1

 Tumbler {
     columns: [ listEnglish, listJapanese ]

Property Documentation

enabled : bool

Property default is true

The enabled state of the column.

items : ListModel

The model containing the contents for the Tumbler to render. The Tumbler's delegate assumes that the model data is provided via the modelData role and interprets it as a text string.

Note: If the model contains only one named role, it is always provided via the modelData role. This also applies to a simple string list model. For more information, see QML Data Models documentation.

Note: If C++ model was specified, TumblerColumn will use display (in C++ this is Qt::DisplayRole) role.

label : string

Property default is ""

The label of the column.

selectedIndex : int

Property default is 0

The selected index of the column.