MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan Developer Documentation Develop for the Nokia N9

QML PageIndicator Element

PageIndicator indicates the page user is currently viewing More...

This element was introduced in qt-components 4.7.


Detailed Description

Component to indicate the page user is currently viewing.

A page indicator is a component that shows the number of availabe pages as well as the page the user is currently on. The user can also specify the display type to select the normal/inverted visual.

 PageIndicator {
     id: indicator
     objectName: "pageIndicatorObject"
     currentPage: 2
     totalPages: 3

Property Documentation

currentPage : int

Property default is 0

The current page the user is on. This value should be larger than 0.

inverted : bool

Property default is false

Specify whether the visual for the rating indicator uses the inverted color. The value is false for use with a light background and true for use with a dark background.

totalPages : int

Property default is 0

The total number of pages. This value should be larger than 0.