[Previous: QML Basic Elements] [Next: Property Binding]
QML has a set of primitive types, as listed below, that are used throughout the QML Elements.
The action type has all the properties of QAction. |
A boolean is a binary true/false value. |
A color is a standard color name in quotes. |
A date is specified as "YYYY-MM-DD". |
A double number has a decimal point and is stored in double precision. |
An enumeration type consists of a set of named values. |
A font type has the properties of a QFont. |
An integer is a whole number, e.g. 0, 10, or -20. |
A list of objects. |
A point type has x and y attributes. |
A real number has a decimal point, e.g. 1.2 or -29.8. |
A rect type has x, y, width and height attributes. |
A size type has width and height attributes |
A string is a free form text in quotes, e.g. "Hello world!". |
A time is specified as "hh:mm:ss". |
A URL is a resource locator, like a file name. |
A variant type is a generic property type. |
A vector3d type has x, y, and z attributes. |
To create additional types, such as data types created in C++, read the Extending QML Functionalities using C++ article.
[Previous: QML Basic Elements] [Next: Property Binding]
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