Specifies miscellaneous identifiers used in the Qt OpenGL module |
Functions for creating and managing GL buffer objects |
Used for installing custom colormaps into a QGLWidget |
Encapsulates an OpenGL rendering context |
Specifies the display format of an OpenGL rendering context |
Encapsulates an OpenGL framebuffer object |
Specifies the format of an OpenGL framebuffer object |
Encapsulates an OpenGL pbuffer |
Allows OpenGL shaders to be compiled |
Allows OpenGL shader programs to be linked and used |
Widget for rendering OpenGL graphics |
Template class that represents a NxM transformation matrix with N columns and M rows |
Represents a 4x4 transformation matrix in 3D space |
Represents a quaternion consisting of a vector and scalar |
Represents a vector or vertex in 2D space |
Represents a vector or vertex in 3D space |
Represents a vector or vertex in 4D space |
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