MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan Developer Documentation Develop for the Nokia N9

Using the exec booster

The exec booster is a generic booster for all kinds of applications. Unlike the other boosters (MeeGo Touch, QML and Qt boosters), this booster does not help to start up the application more quickly. It is basically a booster that only exec()'s the given binary. It can be used to launch any application even if the application is not a library.

Purpose of exec booster

Applauncherd allows applications to show a splash screen. For instructions on showing the splash screen in applications boosted using the other boosters, see here. If you want to have a splash screen in an application that cannot be boosted, use the exec booster. Thus, you can use exec booster for launching a splash screen for any application. You can also launch non-boosted applications as single-instance applications with the exec booster.

Running an application with exec booster

You can launch any application binary using the exec booster. Before launching an application, check that applauncherd package is installed and applauncherd daemon and the booster-e are running. You can then launch the application with exec booster as follows:

    invoker --type=e /usr/bin/application_binary