MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan Developer Documentation Develop for the Nokia N9

Using Bottom Toolbar

The Toolbar at the bottom of the screen offers a convenient way to navigate within the application with easily implementable buttons, tabs and menus. It reacts automatically to device rotation events, and can be configured to be persistent throughout all application views, or change the available Toolbar items depending on which application view the user is in at the moment.

The Bottom Toolbar can contain up to five items. Items with a specific function have a pre-defined location. For example, a back button is always the leftmost item.

When designing applications that do not require use of the Bottom Toolbar, you can remove it from view by setting its visibility to false in the ToolBarLayout

ToolBarLayout { visible: false }

Toolbar example

The following example describes how to create a back button, two tabs, and a dropdown menu in the Bottom Toolbar:

import QtQuick 1.1
import 1.1

PageStackWindow {
   ToolBarLayout {
       id: myToolBar
       ToolIcon { iconId: "toolbar-back"; onClicked: { myMenu.close(); pageStack.pop(); } }
       ButtonRow {
           platformStyle: TabButtonStyle {}
           TabButton {
               text: "First tab"
               tab: tab1
           TabButton {
               text: "Second tab"
               tab: tab2
       ToolIcon { iconId: "toolbar-view-menu"; onClicked: (myMenu.status == DialogStatus.Closed) ? : myMenu.close() }

   TabGroup {
   id: myTabGroup
   currentTab: tab1

       Page {
           id: tab1
           // contents of the page when the first tab is selected
       Page {
           id: tab2
           // contents of the page when the second tab is selected

   Menu {
       id: myMenu
       onStatusChanged: {
           if (status === DialogStatus.Closing) {
               screen.allowSwipe = enableSwipe;
       MenuLayout {
           MenuItem {
               text: "First menu option";
               onClicked: //do something
           MenuItem {
               text: "Second menu option";
               onClicked: //do something

For more information on using the bottom Toolbar, see N9 Application Toolbar Development Guidelines at Nokia Developer site.