MeeGo 1.2 Harmattan Developer Documentation Develop for the Nokia N9

Running your application with MADDE


  • Runtime installed in MADDE.

To run your application with MADDE:

  1. To copy the executable program to the runtime, go to the project directory and enter the command:
    mad remote -r <runtime name> send build/<application name>
  2. To run the application, enter the following command:
    mad remote -r <runtime name>  run <application name>
  3. To stop the application from the command line, enter the following command:
    mad remote -r <runtime name>  stop <application name>
  4. To install the created package in the runtime, enter the following commands:
    mad remote -r <runtime name>  send ../<created package>.deb
    mad remote -r <runtime name>  install <created package>.deb